Vienna premiere


La Morsure | Romain de Saint-Blanquat | FR 2023 | 90 Min | DCP

La France, 1967 A.D. Gauloises a-glowin’, sideburns a-plenty, teen punks in leather jackets—and the sheltered convent schoolgirl Françoise smack-dab in this cultural vortex. Her crystal pendulum has prophesied that she will die before the next sunrise. So she and her best friend make a run for it to spend her (supposed) last night at a costume party in an abandoned villa in the middle of the woods. Romain de Saint-Blanquat’s beautiful, hyper-sensuous feature debut conjures the somnambulant cinematic fantasies of the likes of Jean Rollin, painting the portrait of a young woman caught between adolescent rage and gothic thanatomania.

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Language Version OmeU
Cast Léonie Dahan-Lamort, Lilith Grasmug, Cyril Metzger, Maxime Rohart, Fred Blin
Writer Romain de Saint-Blanquat
Editing Sanabel Cherqaoui
Cinematography Martin Roux


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